District Goals
Goal 1: Maintain a safe, orderly and friendly school environment for all students, parents and staff.
Goal 2: Provide experiences that make for successful learning outcomes for all students.
Goal 3: Attract, develop and retain highly effective educators and provide professional learning opportunities to achieve higher levels of proficiency.
Goal 4: Improve the learning experiences by using data that measures all students' weaknesses and strengths in order to address their curricular needs.
Goal 5: Develop an individualized learning plan for all students that will assess results at specific intervals to ensure post-secondary and career readiness is achieved.
Goal 6: Increase awareness and provide instructional opportunities that leads to college and career readiness.
Goal 7: Implement initiatives to increase student attendance as well as state and federal completion rates.
Goal 8: Maintain and promote parental and community involvement and communication opportunities that enable all stakeholders to positively partake in the learning process.
Goal 9: Maintain efficient and effective fiscal management of resources and operations to maximize learning and potential for all students.